• Ask a Globe•

About Us

We are a global community of developers, dreamers, and travelers united by the desire to help each other and share our experiences to ease the journey for those in new environments

Welcome to our community, where developers, dreamers, and travelers come together to share their experiences and help each other. Like you, we’ve traveled across many continents and experienced countless relocations. Each move was a new mission: understanding local laws, searching for work, and finding locals willing to provide valuable advice on navigating bureaucracy and job hunting.

Over time, we’ve realized that life is a continuous flow and that there’s extraordinary beauty in sharing our knowledge and experiences to ease the path for others. From this awareness, our global community was born—a place where people like us, like you, and like many others can come together to help each other.

Here, a simple message, a piece of information, or advice can make a difference and save someone a significant amount of time and effort in a new environment. We’re all united by a common desire: to lend a hand to those in need and to build a more compassionate and connected world together.

You’re all invited to contribute your experiences, questions, and resources. Together, we can make a difference and create an inclusive and collaborative community where mutual aid is at the heart of everything we do.

Join us and discover how much we can achieve together!

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Our global community connects people from around the world for mutual support. Join us, find information on work and social life. Together, we make the world more accessible.

Grazia I


He has lived on many continents, always with the willingness to help others navigate relocations



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